Client: Network Rail / Central Rail Systems Alliance
Project: Project Mobilisation
Project Value: £2bn
Programme: March 2019 – September 2019
Contracting Model: PSA
Axial supported Network Rail, Balfour Beatty, Atkins and TSO in delivering the transition from the old CP5 contract into a new alliance. Five hundred staff, five depots and five contracts were successfully transitioned onto a a ten year framework that will deliver track renewals throughout CP6 and CP7. The framework will also deliver a number of enhancement schemes including Kings Cross, Leeds Station and Euston.
The transition required transfer of fleet, IT, TUPE’d staff, supply chain (c90 key suppliers) and delivery plans across depots in Peterborough, Doncaster, Preston, Crewe and Saltley to ensure a seamless transition when the contracts changed hands at midnight on 6th August 2019, with no impact to planned works.
Axial provided project and programme management services throughout the transition period and also developed a bespoke procurement solution to ensure labour and plant orders could continue to be placed.
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Bellringer Road
Stoke on Trent