Client: SPL Powerlines
Project: London to Wigston
Project Location: Midland Mainline
Axial have been engaged by SPL Powerlines UK, an industry leading independent OHLE provider, in their capacity as lead OLE contractor for the Midland Mainline electrification scheme. SPL cover various projects within the scope portfolio, most notably the successful Installation of OHL equipment and power and distribution for the London to Corby project. This success led to further contracts being awarded and they have a clear vision to continue growing as a leading OHL contractor within the UK Market.
SPL required a function to bring all planned works on the footprint into one document so 100% of works could be completed as efficiently and safely as possible. This was provided through the implementation of various planning tools created for SPL designed to ensure accurate briefings were both delivered directly through presentations and in the form of detailed packs of information. Support was also required to assist with closing the loop between programme planning and construction planning to ensure we were delivering accurate and timely information to the client.
Axial provide SPL with both short and long term integration planning services, specialist disruptive access planning, and project programming services. We supply the project a variety of outputs via a bespoke Racecard enabling us to accurately pull together works from multiple contractors both within enhancements and maintenance. Long standing working relationship have been built not only with SPL but with the client team and multiple other contractors engaged on the footprint
Through the success of London to Corby SPL has undoubtably grown their overall scope within the portfolio. Axial are now involved in 3 different projects for SPL, all of which are at different PACE stages with a total footprint spanning 119 miles of railway.
By presenting all 3 projects in one racecard, updated and monitored by Axial resource, and chairing project integration meetings, Axial have provided long term financial savings and ensured that any issues identified are resolved. This unique ability safeguards the success of all project and non-project contractors delivery schedules. Axial will maintain a central role in integration between contractors and disciplines as the project continues to deliver key milestones.
Mark Chadwick – Axial Integration Manager
”I joined the project in 2019 to lead the integration within SPL. We are now leading the integration for the entirety of the portfolio and it has been a pleasure to work with the team at SPL.
SPL continue to be one of the leading OHL providers in the UK and I look forward to assisting them in the delivery of continued multi-disciplinary projects”
“Can I just place on record my thanks/gratitude for your teams’ work to date on the Midland Mainline Project, most notably the seamless transition for SPL to take over the Deconfliction Process from Network Rail along with the redesign of racecard”
Mark Cowgill, Project Manager
– SPL Powerlines.
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Axial Projects
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Bellringer Road
Stoke on Trent